About The Trainer

Motivative’s Trainer – Christian Warren

As a personal trainer, I am extremely passionate about not only my clients’ fitness, but also my own. I firmly believe a personal trainer should be someone who inspires their clients and should lead by example, as this can definitely provide great motivation for clients to push themselves and give that little bit more effort. A trainer who is of a high fitness standard simply has an additional level of awareness about how hard to push people to an appropriate level. I certainly don’t agree with pushing people until they feel sick, it completely contradicts my philosophy of enjoying training! Training clients is a huge buzz for me, and it is a great feeling to see someone achieve their goals, or surprise themselves by completing an event or challenge they thought impossible.

So – why should anyone listen to me or trust me as a trainer? As mentioned before, I strive to push myself further and further, and I am passionate about fitness both for my clients and for myself. I have been a trainer for 6 years, have a cert III and IV in fitness – and I have become a very experienced marathon and ultra runner. My races have taken me to some incredible places – here are some of my personal achievements:

Sydney Marathon (3 times)
Melbourne Marathon
Hunter Valley Marathon (2 times)
Gold Coast Marathon

Sixfoot Track Ultramarathon (4 times) – Australia
Hunter Valley Ultramarathon
North Face 100/UTA Ultramarathon (8 times) – Australia
Anzac Day Challenge 100
Tarawera Ultramarathon 100km – New Zealand
Tarawera Ultramarathon 160km – New Zealand
North Face 100 Hong Kong
Vibram Hong Kong 100
Buffalo Stampede Ultra Sky Marathon (75km) – Australia
Buffalo Stampede Grand Slam (26km + 75km + 42km) (3 times)
Hounslow Classic Double (68km + 20km) (2 times) – Australia
Ultra Trail Mount Fuji 170km – Japan
North Face Lavaredo Ultra Trail 120km – Italy
Great Southern Endurance Run 181km – Australia

As you can see, my own training is very much endurance based,and I strive to push myself faster, longer and harder – in the hope that this provides additional motivation for my clients (hence the name “Motivative”). Although my main hobby is running, I also have a passion for endurance and body weight based resistance training and I try to maintain a good balance between running and strength training. I believe that you really should not limit yourself to just one or the other – in order to be fit all round it is essential to have a solid program in many aspects of fitness.